41M with chest pain and polyarthralgia

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 

This history is of a 41 M, bus cleaner by occupation, which dates back to February when he came to our hospital with complaints of loss of appetite, dyspnea, fatigue which was present since 6 months I.e., since August.Patient was apparently asymptomatic before August of 2019 when he first started feeling weak and out of breath while doing his daily activities which hindered his routine, making him unable to do his work like he used to do. He also has lost weight of approximately 3-4 kgs which was known from loosening of his dresses since 4 months. There is history of fever 2 months after he started loosing weight .He also complained of body pains since 1 week prior to presentation and also fever, polyarthralgia and dry cough since  4 days   He came to casualty with history of fever of low grade with chills and rigors which is intermittent type with no clinical variation since 4 days before presentation with 2 episodes of fall preceded by giddiness on the day of presentation.He had polyarthralgia involving B/L knee joint, small joints of hand and foot, ankle, wrist.  After that his fever reduced but body pains reduced only by about half compared to his initial presentation and patient was discharged. Till 15 days back he doesn't record any new onset of symptoms. Now he came to the opd with complaints of cough since15 days which is productive with whitish sputum,  and no diurnal variation, and is associated with cold. He also complains of chest pain since a day, non radiating, squeezing type. No aggravating or relieving factors.patient gives no history of headache, blurring of vision, excessive sweating, palpitations, shortness of breath, syncopal attacks, no awakening from sleep to take lungful of air. He still have joint pains involving bilateral shoulder and small joints of foot and hand with early morning stiffness. There is joint space tenderness. Patient is an alcoholic for about 6 years and stopped drinking 3 years back. 

At the time of presentation:

Patient is afebrile, Bp-100/60 mm Hg, PR-112 bpm, RR-20 cpm.

Patient has pallor, no icterus ,clubbing, cyanosis,lymphadenopathy,edema

Cvs:S1,S2 heard,  Loud S1, tachycardia present, no murmurs


Musculoskeletal system:

Joint space  tenderness of ankle wrist and small joints of hands and feet.

There was both Active and Passive Limitation of Joint Movements with restricted range of movements (ROMs)

There is ulnar deviation of the fingers and radial deviation of the metacarpals bones. 

There is piano key deformity of distal radioulnar joint.(Piano key deformity is due to subluxation of the distal radio ulnar joint)


RA factor-negative

ECG-showing PR segment depression

The ACR/EULAR classification system is a score-based algorithm for RA that incorporates the following 4 factors:

  • Joint involvement

  • Serology test results

  • Acute-phase reactant test results

  • Patient self-reporting of the duration of signs and symptoms

The maximum number of points possible is 10. A classification of definitive RA requires a score of 6/10 or higher.

  • 1 large joint (ie, shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, ankles) = 0 points

  • 2-10 large joints = 1 point

  • 1-3 small joints (with or without involvement of large joints), such as MCP, PIP, second to fifth MTP, thumb interphalangeal (IP), and wrist joints = 2 points

  • 4-10 small joints (with or without involvement of large joints) = 3 points

  • More than 10 joints (at least 1 small joint, plus any combination of large and additional small joints or joints such as the temporomandibular, acromioclavicular, or sternoclavicular) = 5 points

At least 1 serology test result is needed for RA classification. Points are allocated as follows:

  • Negative rheumatoid factor (RF) and negative anti−citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA; in the ACR/EULAR criteria set, tested as anti−cyclic citrullinated peptide [anti-CCP]) = 0 points

  • Low-positive RF or low-positive ACPA = 2 points

  • High-positive RF or high-positive ACPA = 3 points

At least 1 test acute-phase reactant test result is needed for classification.

  • Normal C-reactive protein (CRP) and normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) = 0 points

  • Abnormal CRP or abnormal ESR = 1 point

Points for the patient’s self-reporting of the duration of signs or symptoms of synovitis in clinically involved joints

  • Shorter than 6 weeks = 0 points

  • 6 weeks or longer = 1 point

Patient's score according to EULAR criteria:

Provisional Diagnosis : B/L Chronic Symmetric Small Joint Polyarthritis - Rheumatoid Arthritis with pericarditis with anemia of chronic inflammation.

Daylight sign 

His reports at the time of discharge in February 

Patient has piano key deformity of distal radio ulnar joint

Patient is C/C/C
Bp-100/80 mm Hg
PR-90 bpm
No additional complaints, no fever spikes
CVS:S1,S2 heard, no murmurs
Rs-BAE+,NVBS,No additional sounds.


Syp. Ascoril 2 tsp TID
Tab. Neurobion forte OD
Tab. Levocet 5mg HS
Tab. Indocap-SR 75 mg BD
BP, PR monitoring


Patient is C/C/C
Bp-110/70 mm Hg
Chest pain reduced 
No additional complaints, no fever spikes
CVS:S1,S2 heard, no murmurs
Rs-BAE+,NVBS,No additional sounds.


Syp. Ascoril 2 tsp TID
Tab. Neurobion forte OD
Tab. Levocet 5mg HS
Tab. Indocap-SR 75 mg BD
BP, PR monitoring


Patient is C/C/C
Bp-120/70 mm Hg
PR-82 bpm
No additional complaints, no fever spikes
CVS:S1,S2 heard, no murmurs
Rs-BAE+,NVBS,No additional sounds.


Syp. Ascoril 2 tsp TID
Tab. Neurobion forte OD
Tab. Levocet 5mg HS
Tab. Indocap-SR 75 mg BD
BP, PR monitoring

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