71M with Giddiness and nausea since yesterday

This is a history of 71 M who is a drama director by occupation. His history dates back to 2017 when he first developed shortness of breath where he couldn't even walk more than 20 steps (grade 3) and is associated with increased efforts to take air in, he also gives history of heavy bound palpitations. He gives negative history for pedal edema, cough,cold,fever, night sweats,weight loss at that time. And for his shortness of breath he first came to KIMS hospital and here they got to know that his ecg was abnormal (findings unknown) and they were referred to higher centres in view of need for cardiologist. They went to another hospital in Hyderabad where the cardiologist suggested an angiography. They agreed for it and the result came out to be blockade of three vessels to the heart according to patient's attendant words(patient's wife). For which he had undergone Coronary artery bypass grafting. Later the patient with his attenders repeatedly visited the hospital for follow up on doctors advice. He didn't show any worrisome problems until yesterday. He came to casualty yesterday evening with complaints of giddiness and nausea from 2 pm in the afternoon.This episode was sudden in onset and began after he had a heavy lunch. Patient's attendants also noticed he had profuse sweating at that time for which they got worried and consulted a local doctor and were told the giddiness was because of high blood pressure and patient was given Tab vertin. But the giddiness didn't subside so they decided to opt our hospital and while he was travelling to our hospital he gives history of 2 episodes of vomiting (non bilious,non projectile,non foul smelling, associated with food particles). 

He has no history of ringing sensation in the ears, ear pain, any discharge from the ears or foreign body sensation in the ears. Patient gives a 3 year history of left sided hearing loss.

No history of headache,involuntary movements,Loss of consciousness. 

No history of pain abdomen,loose stools,no bleeding per rectum.

No history of chestpain,palpitations, shortness of breath at the time of presentation.

Patient had another episode of vomiting in the hospital with food particles as its contents.

He was diagnosed with hypertension at the time of his hospitalization for shortness of breath I.e 2 and half years back and he is on regular medication (Carvedilol).

Patient takes mixed diet, sleep is adequate,bladder movements are regular, no additictions. Patient has difficulty in passing stools. 

Patient's mother was also diagnosed with Triple vessel disease at 72 years of age and was suggested CABG but she refused and opted for medical therapy. 

At the time of presentation

O/E: Patient was conscious, coherent,cooperative, well oriented.

Vitals :BP-160/90 mm Hg

Tab. Nicardia 10 mg po was given.



GRBS:142 mg/dl

S/E : 

HINTS examination reveals-

Horizontal bidirectional nystagmus and positive vertical skew with delayed saccades

CNS : Higher mental functions are normal

Cranial nerves are intact.

Power :5/5 in both UL and LL 

Tone : normal

Reflexes : exaggerated in both UL and LL

Plantar - flexor

Sensory system : normal

Gait : Ataxic

CVS : S1,S2 heard,no murmurs. 

RS : BAE +,NVBS,  no additional sounds.

P/A : soft, Non tender, no organomegaly, bowel sounds heard.

Diagnosis - Class III NYHA with HFpEF with Triple Vessel Disease S/P CABG with ? Cerebellar TIA with Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia under Evaluation.

On Day 1 :7/11/2020

Bp:150/70 mm Hg

PR:64 bpm


Stools passed

CVS:S1,S2 heard, no murmurs 

RS:BAE+,no additional sounds 

PA:soft,non tender

2d ECHO was done

MRI was done which turned out to be normal.

A/G ratio=1.86

Uric acid=4.0
Na+ =141
K+ =4
Cl- =106

Alb= ++
Pus cells=3-6
Epithelial cells=2-4


Smear=Microcytic hypochromic
Mild thrombocytopenia

Tab. Cardivas 3.125 mg PO OD(carvedilol)
Tab.Ramipril 5mg PO OD
Tab. Pan 40 mg PO OD
Tab. Zofer 4 mg PO BD
Tab. Vertin 8mg TID
Tab. Atorvas 20mg OD
Grbs monitoring 8th hrly
BP, PR monitoring 4th hrly

On Day 2: 8/11/2020

BP:120/70 mm Hg
Stools passed 
Gait improved
CVS:S1,S2 heard, no murmurs
RS:BAE+, no additional sounds
PA:Soft, non tender.


Tab. Cardivas 3.125 mg PO OD(carvedilol)
Tab.Ramipril 5mg PO OD
Tab. Pan 40 mg PO OD
Tab. Zofer 4 mg PO BD
Tab. Vertin 8mg TID
Tab. Ecospirin Gold (Aspirin75/Clopidogrel 75/Atorvastatin20) PO/OD/HS
Syp.cremaffin plus 15 ml H/S

BP, PR monitoring 4th hrly

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